A Toast to New Beginnings: Our NewYear's Break

Dec 29, 2023 15 0
A Toast to New Beginnings: Our NewYear's Break

Greetings EMSneakers customers,

As the year draws to a close, it's time to sprinkle alittle holiday cheer and embrace the spirit of newbeginnings!

Our team will be taking a short break to rejoiceand recharge from December 30th, 2023, untilJanuary 1st, 2024. During these festive days, oursupport and services will be limited as we gatherwith loved ones to celebrate the dawn of 2024.Please note that any inquiries received duringthis period will be addressed promptly when wereturn on January 2nd. We're grateful for yourpatience and promise to start the New Year withfresh ideas and solutions tailored for you.

May your New Year be as bright and sparkling asthe fireworks in the midnight sky!

Warmest holiday wishes,
